Sunfab Service Support AR - Mobile App

We have released a new version of the iOS Sunfab Service Support App to include Apple's new ARkit* framework.
The ARkit* framework enables you to place the service animation on any surface without having to use a printed service instruction like before. ARkit requirements made it not possible to release this function with an update this is why you need to download the new app version.
We are working on the Android version for the same function and Google recently released the corresponding support with their ARCore framework.
If you already have the old app installed, you need to download the new version from the link below and replace the old app.
*Note! ARkit only works with these iPhone devices and need iOS 11.0 and above installed:
- iPhone SE
- iPhone 6s and 6s Plus
- iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
- iPhone 8 and 8 Plus
- iPhone X
Older iPhone devices will still be able to use the old version of the app: Download old app