SVH 062-130 DIN, SAE

The Sunfab variable displacement pump with its rugged construction is designed for direct mounting at the auxiliary drive (P.T.O.) of commercial vehicles.

With a max. displacement of 130 cm3/rev. and a peak pressure of 450 bar it is suited for many applications. This is complemented by the high self priming rate and the low noise level. The pump delivery flow is dependent on the present drive speed and geometric displacement. The flow is adjustable in a range between 0 and Qmax.

Product Benefits


Short reaction time when resetting the flow

Compact installation dimensions

High working pressure level allowed

Externally drained for best cooling

Rugged construction and long service life

Low noise emission

High power-to-weight-ratio

Technical specifications

SVH 062 092 112 130
Geometric displacement Vg
cm3/rev 62.4 87.2 110.4 130
Nom. pressure pnom
bar 350 350 350 400
Pressure pmax
bar 400 400 400 450
Angle of the swash plate
  21.5° 21.5° 21.5° 21.5°
Required inlet pressure (absolute) for open circuit
bar 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
Max. permissible inlet pressure, absolute
bar 2 2 2 2
Max. permissible housing pressure, absolute
bar 3 3 3 3
Max. permissible drive torque (flange/shaft)
Nm 430 530 900 900
Max. torque for the pump (with power controller)
Nm 430 530 600 700
Max. permissible torque for the thru-shaft, dep. on flange
Nm 100 530 600 700
Max. rev. rating when self priming and max. angle of the swash plate at 1 bar absolute inlet pressure
rpm 2500 2300 2200 2100
Min. rev. rating for permanent running
rpm 500 500 500 500
Required torque at 100 bar
Nm 100 151 184 230
Drive power for 250 bar and 2000 rpm
kW 53 79.5 97.2 120
Mass (weight) complete with controller
kg 24 27 30 30.8
Tare-weight torque (M)
Nm 30 35.3 40 40
Inertia moment
kg m2 0.005 0.008 0.01 0.011
Sound level at 250 bar, 1500 rpm and max. swash plate angle (Measured in a sound measuring room DIN ISO 4412, distance 1 m)
dB(A) 75 75 75 75


Application examples