CTT - Important contracting trade fair in Moscow

CTT is Russia’s biggest trade fair for the contracting industry. It is therefore also very important for Sunfab to participate in.
The CTT trade fair in Moscow, 2-6 June, is Sunfab’s most important trade fair in Russia. It is a trade fair for contractors that had more than 800 exhibitors on site, despite the weak economy. Exhibiting at the trade fair is Sunfab Russia. But this year they were backed up by staff from Sunfab Hydraulics in Sweden in the form of Marie Nilsson, MD, Mats Lindström, Sales Manager, and Lars Häggroth, Product Manager for Pumps.
The starting point for many important deals
CTT is the most-visited trade fair in Russia by our most important customers. The fair also attracts many new potential customers who are of interest to us. This contributes towards this trade fair being, and remaining, the starting point for many of our deals in the Russian market,” says Mats Lindström, Sales Manager at Sunfab.
“The contracting industry in Russia is in recession at the moment, but it’s been one of the biggest in Europe for many years, so it’s important to take up a position before the economy recovers. We’re optimistic about the market in Russia. We’ve had good sales here for many years, and when the economy recovers it’ll be even better,” concludes Mats Lindström.