High pressure in production

It is not only weather where we experience high pressure, it is also at Sunfab's production facility in Hudiksvall, there is really good pressure.
– We have a high workload in production, partly due to a high order intake, but also as we are producing a fixed stock for the summer holidays. For example, this machine usually only runs one shift but now it has gone on extra shifts, says Hans Eriksson, CNC operator and co-ordinator at Sunfab.
Tight tolerances
He is responsible for the last detail in the product processing - milling the spheres on the shafts and the machine he is working on is a high-speed cutter by Röders with really high precision. Precision is extremely important when working against tight tolerances such that the permissible deviations are often stated in microns (µm), which is less than a hair.
Regular control measurements
To ensure that tolerances are met, continuous control measurements are made.
– We measure the components several times during the day. Like other production groups at Sunfab, we measure constantly with our Zeiss measuring machine, where we thoroughly review the measurement protocols and make the necessary adjustments to maintain high and even quality, says Roger Jonsson, NC operator.
State-of-the-art production
The production plant, which was built about 10 years ago, is 3500 square meters, has double ceilings, is ergonomic, meets the environmental requirements and is designed for today's modern machines. It is called Anders Växthus. The name was put in memory of Anders Sundin, son of founder Eric Sundin, and father to the brothers Mats, Per and Jerker Sundin, all three of whom are active in the company.
Automated production
Every year around 40,000 units are manufactured, and there is potential for further increased production.
– We depend on the volume, and to reach them we work a lot with automation and unmanned operation, says Production Manager Leif Johansson.
Automating production is also interesting from a work environment viewpoint because the robots can replace the tasks that are monotonous and ergonomically stressful for the staff.
Future investments
Sunfab’s production plant is of the highest grade and in order to secure its top position, Sunfab invests approximately SEK 10 million in new machinery every year, while continuously working with preventive maintenance.
– In the near future, we are planning investments in a new compressor, new gradient cell and new cylinder block manufacturing machine, concludes Leif Johansson.