Sunfab SCM-motor on world’s first 12” ROV Dredger.

WeSubsea recently unveiled the world’s first 12" ROV Dredger equipped with Sunfab’s well known durable and high performance SCM hydraulic motor.
The Company WeSubsea, was founded in 2010 and are well established in the oil capitals of Kristiansund – Norway, Aberdeen – UK and with global collaborations. With more than 30 years of excellent knowledge of the offshore market and underwater technologies. Sunfab UK Ltd. have supplied WeSubea with SCM motors to be incorporated into their high-quality products for several years.
The new 12” ROV* system was unveiled at Subsea Expo in Aberdeen, Scotland on the February 5 -7 2019. The 12” ROV dredging system offer the ability to carry out deep water rock removal using a single work class ROV. It has been designed with the same focus on performance, lightweight and ease of use for the operator. With limited power available from a ROV systems, getting the most out of the available power is particularly important in this case.
That is why the Sunfab SCM hydraulic motor used on the 12” ROV dredger is perfect to get the highest possible efficiency out of the consumed power. The WeSubsea 12” Titanium ROV Dredger runs at 150Lpm@200Bar, with a removal rate up to 108m3/h. The WeSubsea Titanium ROV dredger is developed in cooperation with the Norwegian University of Technology, NTNU.
*ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle)